I recently received a mailing with a vague return address of GWPP in La Joya California that included a National Academy of Sciences formatted article that tries to make the argument that global warming is not attributable to human activity. The mailing also includes a petition form that is intended to be signed after reviewing the article; however several problems exist with the report, it has not been peer-reviewed, nor published, nor has it been accepted for publication in the NAS journal and the Academy has released a strong statement disclaiming any connection to this effort and reaffirming the reality of climate change. It also applies a postage stamp perspective to research that is occurring across many different land masses, oceans and ice sheets that leaves many of the other studies out in “cold”. In other words the argument is a “cherry picked” set of data that allows the GWPP to try to make the case that global warming is not the result of industrialization.
I thank the person who put my name and address on their mailing list because I am now better armed to combat my _______ in-laws rhetoric with sound arguments based in fact and I remain convinced a problem exists and am more passionate about the steps that need to occur.