Tuesday, March 22, 2005

March 22, 2005

Temperature-52.0 C -61.6 F
Windchill-68 C -90.40 F
Wind 7.6 kts Grid 069
Barometer 680.4 mb (10611. ft)

Tonight we had our first Pod Cast meeting. We had some really great ideas but we lack recording equipment so I guess I will need to trade, borrow or steal some things that might work. We all agreed to keep it pretty simple this first time around and make it more and more complex as we make more shows. It is pretty exciting and there seems to be a buzz around here about it. In the first episode we want to capture spontaneity where we capture people without them knowing. We also want to include some sounds from around the station. Anyway I am really excited about the potential and hope all the people who download it find it interesting.
I think I saw the sun for the last time this evening. As we were having our meeting the last sliver of sun could be seen above the horizon. It really makes me sad thinking about it going away, but I just need to keep thinking Australia, Thailand, Bali, China, Russia and Europe. With the travels and time off I think the 4 months of darkness will be worth it.
I received my first comment on my blog today, thanks Bob. It is nice to know that people actually read my page.
Now for my soapbox talk. A friend of mine has been sending out emails saying things about the program that are not what some people would consider positive. In reading them I don’t find anything wrong with them. There are a thousand websites all saying what a wonderful place this is and talking about the experience. But there are many things that those web pages don’t talk about and one of them is the loss of choice. For instance; in the "real" world I get to decide what I will have for breakfast or what water I will drink or if I will supplement my diet with fortified food but here all those choices are made for me. It is easy living but when the un-chosen choices are bad ones made by a bureaucrat that could affect your health later on in life it becomes very disturbing. How many chemical companies have ended up in litigation because they polluted the soil, air or water. Here we are forced to drink water that we learned after arriving doesn’t meet EPA rules for lead and copper. You would think with some of the greatest minds in science living here the "program" would give a hoot about what could be a considerable problem for these people’s investments (their brains) but like my friend has pointed out they don’t. She got a bunch of heat from her readers about being negative but life here isn’t about positives but about surviving and sometimes surviving means some rather unpleasant things and if we did not share those unpleasant things people could never understand the sacrifices that have to be made for sake of being here. So go easy on my friend, she is only sharing the entire experience and trusts her readers to understand the tough times along with the good.


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