Saturday, April 09, 2005

April 09, 2005

Temperature-57.1 C -70.8 F
Windchill-75.2 C -103.4 F
Wind 11.3 kts Grid 34
Barometer 675.8 mb (10787 ft)
Lunch: Tuna & chicken curry wraps
Dinner: Pizza
Last night I wrote a blog and was not able to publish it because blogger had taken the site down for maintenance. I was hoping to have something new for my readers today but no dice.

Today was something! Yesterday VI1 agreed during a meeting to install some meters on G4 along with a bypass. He was resistant to doing the bypass and installed the meters without the them behind my back. When the meters worked he thought he was going to be hero but found out that sometimes it is "better to do or die than to ask who or why". He was reprimanded and "written up" for disobedience which will be taken out of his end of season bonus. My boss and I debated having him install the bypasses during his time off but decided against it because we wanted to put the whole thing behind us.
The meters were installed at the direction of Camp Centennial and I scheduled the work against my better judgement. I felt that the meters were not the best solution and with CC’s past record of selecting and installing different meters to monitor fuel usage in the power plant I wanted to be safe rather than sorry. G1 thru 3 have had four different meters installed and none of them worked but starved generator of fuel causing them to run lean. They eventually removed the guts from the meters to fool the designers and decided against metering altogether. When I was told that I was to install meters on G4 I decided I wanted a bypass around the meter which VI1 decided was "stupid". Well engineering never told operations about their desire to meter the fuel usage in G4 but ordered the meters, shipped them to the bottom of the earth and directed me to put them in without a word to operations. Today the power plant operator mentioned to his counter part at CC that the meters had been installed and he blew a gasket. The rest of the day was spent on the phone doing damage control with the eventual outcome of VI1 removing the meters on his day off. If he had listened we could have turned a valve handle and the whole "crisis" would have been adverted. What a dumb ass!
I think the above discussion is important because it shows two problems with the operation of this place. One construction does things without ever letting operations or the owner know which, most of the time causes crisis’ that I often have to deal with. The other is the cowboy mentality where people think they know best without having the whole picture and doing it the way they think it ought to be done which also causes crisis I have to deal with. I often think of my friend Greg who is a fireman and wonder what it is like to put out fires but then again if it is anything like the fires I deal with it doesn’t sound that glamorous.


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