Friday, April 15, 2005

April 15, 2005

Temperature-52.6 C -62.7 F
Windchill-66.5 C -87.6 F
Wind 7.5 kts Grid 47
Barometer 676.1 mb (10776 ft)
Lunch: Grilled Cheese With Tomato Soup
Dinner: Steak

Ever had one of those days where it just seems like nothing is going to go wrong and then in the last ten minutes if just falls apart. Well that was my day.
This morning after my first good nights sleep this week, I awoke brushed my teeth and found the galley had cooked my favorite oatmeal. It is a seven grain mixture of oats, flax seek, sunflower seeds, wheat and two other grains that I haven’t identified. I then went to work and discovered that during the night a control panel had lost power and science was running its heaters and coolers at the same time. Luckily I found an electrician and we made short work of the problem. The breaker in the panel had tripped and killed the power to the panel. Then several other problems were brought to my attention and I was able to identify simple fixes in each case. I then spent the afternoon doing a bunch of busy work that had been assigned to me by camp centennial. By 4:00 I was feeling pretty good because I had managed to accomplish so much instead of spinning my wheels. The head of our division had arranged an FAC and we all left work an hour early to enjoy some beers and socializing. I stayed and drank a few beers and then returned to my desk to check my email and inside was a political hot potato. It was a message from our client basically putting me on the spot for something that his quality control agent had noticed and hadn’t bothered to tell me so I was caught off guard. I just shook my head, turned of my computer, left it for another day and told myself "only six more months".

This year I have a workout partner who totally kicks my ass. I have never had a girl trainer before but she pushes me harder than any of my past partners. Every night I leave the gym just spent and the next morning I am so sore that lifting my cereal spoon is a chore. I hope she continues to kick my ass throughout the winter.


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