Tuesday, April 19, 2005

April 19, 2004

Temperature-57.3 C -71.1 F
Windchill-84.0 C -119.2 F
Wind 21.7 kts Grid 15
Barometer 673.0 mb (10893 ft)
Lunch: Jambalaya
Dinner: Salmon
Well personal crisis has found me and my wife here. We recently discovered my father in law is having heart trouble and put off seeing the doctor. My wife begged and begged him to go but he refused. Recently he has been showing symptoms of heart failure and the early signs of heart attack and with the aid of the doctor here she was able to talk him into going to the hospital. Her days are spent between moods of fear, frustration and hopelessness as little bits of news come trickling in. Personal crisis here is so debilitating because there is so little that can be done. We have very little phone service and what we have is occurring during the night in the northern hemisphere so communications with family usually means waking them during the night. We also have so little to keep our minds busy that a crisis consumes our every thought. My wifes evening has been spent in front of the phone waiting for word about how things are going in the hospital. She called home six times today and she calls about every half hour to see how things are going. I feel so badly for her!


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