Friday, April 29, 2005

April 29, 2005

Temperature-40.6 C -41.1 F
Windchill-57.5 C -71.5 F
Wind 12.5 kts Grid 14
Barometer 691.1 mb (10212 ft)
Lunch: Hot Turkey Sandwiches
Dinner: Steak
Two days ago we had our first toast sighting. The condition usually occurs in late June or July but some folks are more susceptible than others and it seems our doctor falls in the later category. Early in the day he became very agitated about not being included in the planning of a fire drill and verbally abused some folks as a result. Then in the gym he became even more agitated that I had put music on the stereo. At first I was very apologetic but he kept escalating and I eventually told him that will be enough at which point he took a step at me as if to fight, recovered his senses and continued his tirade. His point was that I was being extremely inconsiderate because I had put music on and it was disturbing his ability to listen to his Ipod. Just for the record the music is nothing new and the rule up until two days ago was if the music isn’t on in the gym feel free to turn it on. I suggested that if he hadn’t wanted the stereo on why didn’t he just plug his Ipod into the stereo so we could all listen. He said he wasn’t that ignorant because he did not want to bother others at which point I asked him if he was calling me ignorant, he of course said no, which really pissed me off because I felt if he could say it, he could own it. Fortunately, another guy in the gym also agreed the doctor wasn’t being very rational and told him so but the Doctor kept his energy focused on me. I realized this was a no win situation put my boots on and left.
Later I became very angry that I was being called inconsiderate by a guy who comes into the gym on a routine basis loads up 5 of our six weight benches/ machines with weights and then suggests that the rest of us work in on the various pieces of equipment between his sets. My wife on several occasions didn’t feel like unloading the weights and instead just gave up on working out. Then the other night he wanted to charge his Ipod before his work out so he unplugged two of our three treadmills to free up a receptacle and did not offer to pull it off power when people wanted to use the equipment. Also in the past weeks has been throwing weights, kicking the medicine balls and making zinger comments to everyone in the gym. After evaluating the situation I began to wonder who the hell is this guy to call me inconsiderate? Any point he may have had was lost on me at that point and I began to understand this guy is most likely feeling the effects of winter and his cheese is sliding of his cracker.


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