Monday, July 18, 2005

July 18, 2005

Monday, oh yea. Then I remembered we only have 14 more Mondays until the first flight arrives. It will be nice to see some new faces.

Lately I've been annoyed by people disturbing my routine. I have no private space and when I can have a place to myself I cherish it, and when someone shows up when I am not expecting them I become very annoyed. Every Sunday I don't sleep in, but get up early and go to the gym to ride the spinning bike. I ride with the lights off and pretend I am some place else. Most times I end up in Moab on a fall day, listening to the leaves crunch under my tires, and seeing the really pretty orange and yellow light of fall. One Sunday I open the door of the gym and there sitting atop my morning ride is the local self proclaimed genius. At first I thought about going back to bed and then thought "you are here, make the most of it". So I entered and began taking my cold weather gear off, down to my work out clothes below. SPG was really nice but I just could not forgive him for being there at that time. I realized it wasn't anything that he had done. So I tried using the other bike but it just wasn't the same. He finished up about 15 minutes after I arrived so I asked if I should expect him there every Sunday at that time. He asked why, and I told him that I had been coming to the gym for the past five months on Sunday morning at that time to ride the bike and it was really frustrating to have the disruption in my routine. I explained it was nothing against him, just something I had become used to and had assumed it would remain the same. I also explained if he wanted to continue coming at that time I would be happy to start coming an hour later so the bike would be available for my ride. He seemed to understand and explained that he had missed his workout the day before and come that morning to catch up.
Since then every Sunday I cringe as I open the door to the gym expecting to see someone there and so far I have been lucky and my Sunday rides have been outstanding. I just hope my one private hour a week holds up.


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